New Series
Fresh Fish Scotland
Presenting our new series for Moviestar+ 

TV & Corporate Film Production

More about us


It doesn't matter the size of the piece, a documentary can be all shapes and sizes. It can be a 2 minute clip showing the pain of loss or it can be a 12 part series on the joy of life. Storytelling has existed as long as humanity has been able to speak and there are a million stories to be told. Have a look at our trailer for a series we have just produced for Moviestar + in Spain with our partners in Valera FIlms showcasing the amazing  fishing on offer in Scotland. We are currently filming a documentary about classic British cars in Cuba, difficult with the pandemic but a great story none the less.

Corporate Films

In this challenging operating environment in the middle of this pandemic it is worth getting in touch to see what a well produced film can bring to your company. Not just advertising but profile raising, training and information films can all add great value to your work. It's harder to keep in touch with your clients but our cutting edge productions can help secure and build your relationships with them. Our clients have included The Scottish Government, NHS, Scottish Golf, Nucana, GALVmed, Oxfam amongst others.


As our company develops we try to keep a wide portfolio of work and one area where we remain in high demand is Event filming. Whether it's a complex conference live stream, an awards or fundraising dinner or any other corporate event we can provide high end 4k multi-cam coverage. Our comprehensive streaming services can ensure your event is shown throughout the world, or even just to your staff working from home.

Third Sector

We have a long held social ethos and have supported many third sector organisations and charities. Both on a voluntary basis or through our affordable 3rd sector pricing structures we have years of experience providing innovative and accessible films tailored to this demanding sector. Fundraising, education and awareness raising are are just some of the areas where a well targeted video can achieve tremendous results.

Music Videos

Los Van Van photo from Somos Diferentes
With our partners at Valera Films we have shot music videos throughout the world from the UK to Latin America. Although often we film these videos with a total crew of up to 50 people, it's just as likely to be 2 or 3 these days. Whatever your budget we can design a package that can give you an amazingly creative film that's the perfect partner for your music.
Interested in any of our Film and Video services?
Photo of cine camera


Here are just a few of the clients we have worked with 
Indikan films logos of companies we have worked with
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